Research lines
Ontology building
Information Extraction
Automatic Summarisation
Adaptive hypermedia
Free-text CAA
APL and APL2
Ph.D. Thesis (2003)
Thesis (full text)
APL2-WordNet Interface
Wraetlic tools
Instances in WordNet 1.7
Automatic text summarisation


Automatic text summarisation consists of condensing the most relevant information from a given text. The techniques used may vary greatly depending on the compression rate, the function of the summary (informative, indicative...), the genre of the text, the language (or languages) of the original texts, the number of documents summarised each time (mono- or multi-document), etc.

Concerning the research performed by us in this area, we may cite:

  • Generation of extracts by selecting sentences, using genetic algorithm. This has been applied to an on-line adaptive information system for university students, in order to condense the full contents of web sites according to their temporal needs.
  • Generation of headlines from newswire articles, result of our participation in the Document Understanding Conferences 2003 and 2004.
  • Generation of summaries of educational material obtained from the Internet.
  • Generation of multi-document summaries, in answer to a question provided by the user, result of our participation in DUC-2005.


Click here to access our publications on automatic summarisation.

On-line demos

Coming soon...

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